Lesson 1: Introduction

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Module 1 – Know Yourself Description

Module 1 begins with a short introduction about how you can get the most out of this course. Then, you dive right in.

The first step to being authentic is to find out who you really are. This module helps you develop self-awareness. You’ll discover many details about your personality and how you got that way. We’ll also discuss how your past experiences have influenced you and help you clarify your values and true passions.

Lesson 1: Overview

"Journey to Authenticity: A Master Plan for Daily Living" is a course designed to guide individuals towards embracing discomfort as a catalyst for personal, business, and social transformation, according to personal transformation expert Anita D. Russell.

The course takes participants on an introspective journey towards authenticity, helping them understand themselves, accept themselves fully, and design a life that reflects their true selves. Key components of the course include:

  • Getting to know yourself inwardly and outwardly
  • Giving yourself a self-concept makeover
  • Accepting yourself fully and without reservation
  • Learning to love who you are
  • Discovering your life purpose
  • Designing how to live authentically

As a participant you are advised to follow the course sequentially, completing lessons in order without skipping around. You are encouraged to practice the action tips provided in each lesson, alongside utilizing Additional Resources sections that offer extra materials for further learning and growth. Affirmations featured in the course are highlighted as powerful tools to change thoughts, self-talk, and actions.

Key advice on using affirmations includes...

  • customizing affirmations for personal circumstances,
  • writing personal affirmations for maximum effectiveness,
  • and repeating affirmations regularly to notice positive changes.

The course emphasizes the journey to authenticity as a personal one, encouraging participants to take their time and enjoy each lesson before progressing further.

Lastly, a faith application is included with a Biblical reference to Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV, highlighting the message of God's plans to prosper and provide hope for individuals.

How to Write Your Own Affirmations

Affirmations are everywhere, and they have the strong ability to lift your spirits to get through hard times.This is because we're all highly suggestible, even if we think we're not! 

Affirmations help us to keep a positive attitude about life. It's only natural that we'll get more out of these positive sayings if we formulate them ourselves. Writing our own affirmations makes them personal to us, which can then help us to get through our own individual situations. 

When you start writing your own affirmations, keep these tips in mind: 

  1. Make them personal. When you write affirmations, it's important to remember to use "I" in them. After all, they are personal to you. 
    Example: "I am having an exceptional day today!"

  2. Use the present tense. Affirmations are built in order to change our feelings now, which is why you want to stay positive and strong in this moment. When you use the past tense, you get nostalgic. When you use the future tense, you get hopeful. The present tense helps you feel the difference right now. 
    Example: "I am feeling relaxed right now."

  3. Be down to earth. This just means to use your own style and try not to make your affirmations too formal or wishy-washy. You want to capture and speak in your own voice.
    Bad Example: "Presently I feel the urge to enjoy my existence."
    Good Example: "I enjoy my life."

  4. Be short. Affirmations are meant to be short, simple and sweet. Stay on target and make your affirmation a one-liner. If it's too wordy, try breaking it up into a few affirmations. The trick is to stick with one simple idea at a time. 
    Example: "I am in perfect health."

  5. Make it positive. Affirmations are intended to be positive statements, so avoid negative words like "not." You're using affirmations to make a life improvement and positive statements motivate you to make this improvement. 
    Example: "I am at peace with my mind."

  6. Make it believable. You don't want your affirmation to sound like something out of this world. If it's not believable, you won't take it seriously and your subconscious will just dismiss it. 
    Example: "I am choosing to be happy today."

Check Yourself: Do You Believe in the Power of Affirmations?

When you say your affirmations, believe them to be true. Affirmations are truly powerful sets of words only as long as you believe what you're telling yourself. 

Affirmations alone have been known to help people cure addictions. Women even use them during childbirth to help them stay calm and collected during natural delivery. 

First, set your eyes on your goal and then write your affirmations to get yourself there.

Write Your Affirmations Down

Practice always makes perfect. Write down the affirmations you're feeling. Then go over the list above and make sure that your affirmations follow the rules. Once they do, start using your affirmations and feel the difference. Important: Say your affirmations to yourself daily. Take deep breaths and keep your eyes on your goal.

Also if need be, tweak your affirmations. These positive sayings aren't written in stone, so as you change, your affirmations can change, too. 

It's best to keep your affirmations in a place where you can see them. You can simply keep a list in your pocket or you can post them around the house. Paste them on the bathroom mirror, on your computer, or wherever you know you'll see them each day.

Affirmations can make all the difference in reaching your goals. Give them a try and enjoy the benefits these positive statements can make in your life.

Writing your own affirmations can be a powerful tool in helping you achieve your goals and cultivate a positive mindset.

Start by identifying areas in your life where you want to make positive changes or set specific goals. These could be related to self-confidence, relationships, career, health, or any other aspect of your life.

Once you have a clear intention in mind, frame it as a positive statement in the present tense. For example, instead of saying "I will be successful," you could write, "I am successful and capable of achieving my goals." This will help to reprogram your subconscious mind and reinforce positive beliefs.

When crafting your affirmations, make sure to keep them concise, specific, and realistic. It's essential to use language that resonates with you personally and evokes strong emotions. As you write your affirmations, consider incorporating empowering words like "I am," "I can," or "I deserve." These phrases can boost your confidence, motivation, and self-belief. Remember that your affirmations should reflect your authentic desires and values, so take the time to customize them to align with your unique goals and aspirations.

Practice reciting your affirmations daily, ideally in the morning and/or before bedtime, to reinforce their positive impact on your subconscious mind. You can write them down on sticky notes, create a vision board, or repeat them aloud while looking at yourself in the mirror. The key is consistency and repetition to internalize these positive messages and shift your mindset towards a more optimistic and empowered state.

Over time, you may notice a gradual but significant transformation in your thoughts, behaviors, ideas, and outcomes as you harness the power of affirmations to manifest your intentions and lead a more fulfilling life.

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